Highest honor: Geri Richmond to receive Medal of Science
The National Medal of Science is the highest honor given by the U.S. government to scientists, engineers and inventors.
The National Medal of Science is the highest honor given by the U.S. government to scientists, engineers and inventors.
Where in the world would you go study, if you had $5,000 to help you on your way?
That’s an easy answer for five Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship recipients at the University of Oregon. The five recipients were part of a group of 11 applicants from the UO — making the success rate at the university a whopping 45 percent, leading to the UO’s impressive ninth-place rank amongst 358 other colleges and universities across the nation for Gilman scholar recipients.
Using a grant, the UO is helping K-12 teachers plan lessons that reflect new standards for science, technology and math education.
In addition to earning a spot on the Lightbox list, Ron Jude's photography has been seen and distributed around the world.
She will travel to Germany's Humboldt University to complete her research on women in Bangladesh's readymade garment industry.
Yasui was one of three men who challenged the forced internment of people of Japanese ancestry after the start of WWII.
The award is presented each year in recognition of a distinguished book by an author of any age or career stage.
The couple's gift will provide long-term support and funding for the UO center where students get experience managing real money.
During annual awards banquet Nov. 12, Eisen will become 10th UO recipient of the Discovery Award while Nolen will receive a new investigator award.
Proposal in the journal Science seeks a broad unified effort to expand research and harness the potential benefits of microbial communities.