University of Oregon researchers can provide expertise on political issues.
To talk to a political expert, email Molly Blancett
Politics Experts
Angela Addae, School of Law
Race and the Law, Civil Rights, Social Entrepreneurship, Minority Entrepreneurship
Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Division of Equity and Inclusion
Political Behavior, Racial and Ethnic Politics, American Politics, Immigration (with an emphasis on West African immigrants)
Adell Amos, School of Law Environmental & Natural Resources Program
Drought, Environment, Natural Resources, Wilderness, Conservation, EPA, Policy, Law
Steven Beda, Department of History
Labor History, Environmental History, 20th Century US History, Pacific Northwest Timber Industry, History of Forestry, History of Rural Politics and Rural Protest Movements
Christopher Chávez, School of Journalism and Communication
Popular Culture, Television, Advertising Trends, Race and Ethnicity
Charise Cheney, Department of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies
African American, Black, Pop Culture, Race, Gender, Sexuality, Rap, Music, Politics, Activism
Nicole Dahmen, School of Journalism and Communication
Visual Communication, Graphic Design, Social Media, Photojournalism, Commemorative Journalism, News Design, Publication Design, Visual Ethics, Visual Identity, Iconic Photographs, Media Technology, Eye-tracking
Jonathan Davis, Department of Economics
Crime, Inequality, Labor Markets, Social Policy
Andrew DeVigal, School of Journalism and Communication
Consumer Behavior, Health Care, Social Media, Trends, Journalism
Greg Dotson, School of Law
Environmental and Natural Resources Law, Energy Law, Climate Change Law and Policy, Congress, Legislative Process
Michael Fakhri, School of Law
Food, Farming, Food Policy, Environment, International Law
David Frank, Robert D. Clark Honors College
Rhetoric, Political Speeches, Debate, Public Address, Critical Reasoning, Forensics, Barack Obama, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Dennis Galvan, Division of Global Engagement
International Development, Developing Countries, Poverty, Global Inequality, Westernization, West Africa, Indonesia, Islam, Ethnic Conflict, Nation Building, Democratization
Alison Gash, Department of Political Science
US Courts, Gender, Race, Sexuality, Same-Sex Marriage, Constitutional Rights, Public Policy, Supreme Court
Erik Girvan, School of Law
Civil Litigation, Conflict and Dispute Resolution/ADR, Law and Psychology, Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination, Anti-Discrimination Law, Quantitative Research
Chandler James, Department of Political Science
American Politics, U.S. Presidency, Public Opinion
Craig Kauffman, Department of Political Science
Environmental Politics, Climate Change Policy, Sustainable Development, Environmental Law, Ecological Economics, Indigenous Environmental Law and Practices, Transnational Networks, Collaborative Governance of Forest and Watershed Ecosystems
Peter Laufer, School of Journalism and Communication
Conflict Zones, Ethics, Organic Food, Borders, Private Zoos, Exotic Animals
Regina Lawrence, Agora Journalism Center
Civic Engagement, Choice Voting, Voting Behavior, Political Communication, Journalism Innovation
Seth Lewis, School of Journalism and Communication
Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, Media Innovation, Emerging Technologies, Technology and Society, Digital Culture, Robot Journalism, Big Data, Algorithms
Ed Madison, School of Journalism and Communication
Journalism, Media, Political Journalism
Gabriela Martinez, School of Journalism and Communication
International Communication, Political Economy of Communication, Telecommunication, Human Rights, Collective Memory and the Media, Latin America, Immigration
Ronald Mitchell, Department of Political Science
Environmental Politics, International Relations
Neil O’Brian, Department of Political Science
U.S. Politics, Political Parties, Congress, Public Opinion, Polarization
Craig Parsons, Department of Political Science
European Union, French and British Politics, Brexit, European Refugee Crisis, Debt Crisis
Eleanor Paynter, School of Global Studies and Languages
Migration, Asylum, Race, Human Rights, Europe, Italy, Detention, Refugee Ethnography
Whitney Phillips, School of Journalism and Communication
Political Communication, Digital Cultures, Media Ecologies, Media Ethics, Online Ethics, Rightwing Media Cultures, Moral Panics, Conspiratorial Belief, Narrative and Identity
Ofer Raban, School of Law
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Judicial Philosophy
Gerard Sandoval, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Immigration, Urban Planning, Undocumented Workers, Immigrant Neighborhoods, Transportation Planning
Marc Schlossberg, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Biking, Transportation, City Planning, Community Development, Environment
Priscilla Southwell, Department of Political Science
US Politics, Elections, Vote By Mail, European Politics, Oregon Politics, Political Behavior
Lynn Stephen, Department of Anthropology
Immigration, Asylum, Gendered Violence, DACA, Dreamers
Daniel Tichenor, Department of Political Science
American Presidency, Immigration, Elections, Politics, President Jimmy Carter, Social Movements, Political Parties
Elizabeth Tippett, School of Law
Employment Law, Behavioral Ethics, Decision Making
Julie Weise, Department of History
Race, Immigration, Latino Immigration, Migration, Identity, Immigration Policy
Anita M. Weiss, Department of Global Studies
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Muslim World, Political Islam, Muslim Women’s Rights, International Development
Mary Wood, School of Law Environmental & Natural Resources Program
Environment, Climate Change, Youth Climate Change Lawsuit, Native Lands, Atmospheric Trust Litigation