Business Experts

University of Oregon researchers can provide expertise for business stories. 

To talk to a business expert, email Molly Blancett

Dane Christensen, Lundquist College of Business

Corporate Misconduct, Corporate Social Responsibility, Political Economy

T. Bettina Cornwell, Department of Marketing

Marketing, Advertising, Sponsorship, Consumer Behavior, Sports Marketing, Olympics

Jonathan Davis, Department of Economics

Crime, Inequality, Labor Markets, Social Policy

Yoav Dubinsky, Lundquist College of Business

Sports Marketing, Sports, Olympic Games, Country Image, Sportswashing, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Sports Communications, International Sports, Sports and Society

Tim Duy, Department of Economics

Federal Reserve, Currency, Markets, Unemployment

Jessica Gamlin, Lundquist College of Business

Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Identity, Consumer Goals and Social Media

Joshua Gordon, Lundquist College of Business

Sports Business, Sports Law, Sports Governance, NCAA, Negotiation, Dispute Resolution, Sports Arbitration, Sports Mediation

Benjamin Hansen, Department of Economics

Marijuana, Suicide, Law Enforcement, Risky Behavior

Conor Henderson, Lundquist College of Business

Marketing, Customer Loyalty, Sports Marketing, Digital Marketing

Michele Henney, Department of Accounting

Accounting, Taxation, New Business, Entrepreneurial Accounting, Corporate Governance

Darren Johnson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Water, Rare Earths, Environment, Agriculture, Industry, Waste, Green Chemistry

Lauren Lanahan, Lundquist College of Business

High-Tech Ventures, Research and Development, Institutions, Public Policy

Nick Light, Lundquist College of Business

Consumers’ perceptions of simplicity and complexity; the public’s understanding of science, knowledge, information and uncertainty

Nathan Lillegard, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship

Start-Up, New Business, Entrepreneurship

Chris Liu, Lundquist College of Business

Entrepreneurship, Scientists, Social Influence, Social Networks, Innovation

Mohsen Manesh, School of Law

Corporate, Contract and LLC Law

Roberta Mann, School of Law

Tax Law, Business Law

Kelli Matthews, Public Relations Program

Social Media, Brands, Crisis Management, Athletes

Stephen McKeon, Department of Finance

Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Corporate Finance, Security Issuance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, CEO Risk-Taking

Alex Murray, Lundquist College of Business

Entrepreneurship, Venture Finance, Crowdfunding, Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain, Decentralization, Governance, Organizational Design

Andrew Nelson, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Management, Technology, Information Technology, Green Chemistry, Biotechnology

Sarah E. Nutter, Lundquist College of Business

Accounting and Taxation, Impact of Taxes and Tax Structures on Individuals and Businesses, Executive Education, Strategic Leadership, Business School Accreditation

Behrooz Pourghannad, Lundquist College of Business

Business Analytics, Healthcare, Business Model Innovation, Supply Chain Management

Gerard Sandoval, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Immigration, Urban Planning, Undocumented Workers, Immigrant Neighborhoods, Transportation Planning

Elizabeth Tippett, School of Law

Employment Law, Behavioral Ethics, Decision Making

Woan Foong Wong, Department of Economics

International Trade, Trade Costs, Trade and Transport

Laura Wellman, Lundquist College of Business

Corporate Political Activism, Political Hedging, Tax Policy

Peter Younkin, Lundquist College of Business

Entrepreneurship, Diversity, Cultural Industries