Student Life

VP for student life offers apology in message to campus

R. Kevin Marbury, vice president for student life, offers an apology in message to campus:

Yesterday, the Division of Student Life issued a statement about the passing of one of our students, Dylan Pietrs, who died Saturday at Lake Shasta.  The intent was to quickly respond to a tragic situation and provide resources to support the community members affected by Dylan’s passing. That statement should have reflected that our focus was and remains on assisting Dylan’s family and friends as they deal with this news.

Health center confirms two pertussis cases

The University Health Center has confirmed two cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, among University of Oregon students and is providing notice to others who may have been in close contact with those individuals.

In one case confirmed Wednesday, the person lives off campus. In a second case confirmed Thursday afternoon, the person lives on campus.

In a Thursday news email sent to students, the university provided information from the health center about the disease, its prevention and how to get a medical evaluation.