Carlos Aguirre, Department of History
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Idea Award
Mark Alfano, Department of Philosophy
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, RIGE Completion Award
Veronica Alfano, Department of English
- William Morris Society United States, Joseph R. Dunlap Memorial Fellowship
William Ayres, Department of Anthropology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Melissa Baese-Berk, Department of Linguistics
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Martha Bayless, Department of English
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Aletta Biersack, Department of Anthropology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
David Blackwell, Department of Geological Sciences
- UO Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching
Shannon Boettcher, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Research Corporation for Science and Advancement, 2014 Cottrell Scholar Award
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Early Career Award
Chris Bone, Department of Geography
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, 2013 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) Award
Jonathan Brundan, Department of Mathematics
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
Anita Christie, Department of Human Physiology
- Oregon Health and Sciences University Medical Research Foundation Grant
William Cresko, Department of Biology
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
James Crosswhite, Department of English
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Sierra Dawson, Department of Human Physiology
- National Academy of Education, Fellow
Andre Djiffack, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Christopher Doe, Department of Biology
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow
Hans Dreyer, Department of Human Physiology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Jon Erlandson, Department of Anthropology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Outstanding Career Award
John Foster, Department of Sociology
- American Sociological Association, Allan Schnaiberg Outstanding Publication Award
Pedro García-Caro, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Michael Hahn, Department of Human Physiology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, 2014 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) Award
Michael Haley, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professorship in Chemistry
Michael Hames-Garcia, Department of Ethnic Studies
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
- Mariposa Award for Excellence and Leadership
Gina Herrmann, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies
Kaori Idemaru, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Mary Jaeger, Department of Classics
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
Lamia Karim, Department of Anthropology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Tyler Kendall, Department of Linguistics
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Colin Koopman, Department of Philosophy
- UO Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Summer Stipend Nominee Award
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Research Fellowship
- UO Wayne Morse Center, Resident Scholar
Peter Lambert, Department of Economics
- Emerald Literati Network, Outstanding Author Contribution Award
Mark Lonergan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
Andrew Lovering, Department of Human Physiology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Stephanie Majewski, Department of Physics
- U.S. Department of Energy, Early Career Research Award
Bonnie Mann, Department of Philosophy
- UO Williams Fund, Fellow
W. Andrew Marcus, Department of Geography
- Cartography & Geographic Information Society, Best in Show Award
- Wyoming State Historical Society, Publication Award
Ulrich Mayr, Department of Psychology
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Humboldt Research Award
Benjamin McMorran, Department of Physics
- U.S. Department of Energy, Early Career Research Award
Karen McPherson, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Ernest G. Moll Research Fellowship in Literary Studies
James Meacham, Department of Geography
- Cartography & Geographic Information Society, Best in Show Award
- Wyoming State Historical Society, Publication Award
Jeffrey Measelle, Department of Psychology
- UO Williams Fund, Fellow
Chris Minson, Department of Human Physiology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, 2014 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) Award
Rosario Murcia, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Distinguished Teaching Award
Alexander Murphy, Department of Geography
- Association of American Geographers, Lifetime Achievement Award
Helen Neville, Department of Psychology
- National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Associate
Kari Norgaard, Department of Sociology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Eileen Otis, Department of Sociology
- American Sociological Association, Distinguished Book Award
Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Department of Physics
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Roxann Prazniak, Department of History
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Cecilia Rangel, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Graduate School, Excellence Award for Outstanding Mentorship of Graduate Students
Geri Richmond, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, President-Elect
- Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award
- UO Presidential Chair
Mary Rothbart, Department of Psychology
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow
Gordon Sayre, Department of English
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Outstanding Research Career Award
Phil Scher, Department of Anthropology
- UO David M. & Nancy L. Petrone Faculty Scholar
Eric Selker, Department of Biology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Outstanding Career Award
Stephen Shoemaker, Department of Religious Studies
- Institute for Advanced Study, Member
Carol Silverman, Department of Anthropology
- Society for Ethnomusicology, Alan Merriam Book Prize
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Josh Snodgrass, Department of Anthropology
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
Carol Stabile, Department of Women‘s and Gender Studies
- American Council of Learned Societies, Fellowship
Alethea Steingisser, Department of Geography
- Cartography & Geographic Information Society, Best in Show Award
- Wyoming State Historical Society, Publication Award
Michael Stern, Department of German and Scandinavian Studies
- UO Williams Fund, Fellow
Tom Stevens, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow
Xiaobo Su, Department of Geography
- East-West Center, Asia Studies Research Fellowship
Richard Taylor, Department of Physics
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, 2013 Incubating Interdisciplinary Initiatives (I3) Award
Joe Thornton, Department of Biology
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fellowship
Courtney Thorsson, Department of English
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Early Career Award
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Daniel Tichenor, Department of Political Science
- UO Ersted Award for Distinguished Teaching
- UO Williams Fund, 2014-15 Instructional Proposal
Nelson Ting, Department of Anthropology
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Eleanor Vandegrift, Department of Biology
- National Academy of Education, Fellow
Marsha Weisiger, Department of History
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship
- UO Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation, Faculty Research Award
Anita Weiss, Department of International Studies
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
Frances White, Department of Anthropology
- UO Williams Fund, Fellow
Wes Wilson, Department of Economics
- Transportation and Public Utilities Group, Distinguished Member Award
Richard York, Department of Sociology
- UO Fund for Faculty Excellence Award
- UO Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching
Maureen Zalewski, Department of Psychology
- Society for Research in Child Development, Victoria S. Levin Award
Miriam Abelson, Department of Sociology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Risa Palm Graduate Fellowship
David Anderson, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Henry V. Howe, Scholarship
Christopher Banek, Department of Human Physiology
- American Heart Association, Summer School Scholarship and Poster Competition Award
Gregory Barello, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Jacob Bartlo, Department of German and Scandinavian Studies
- UO Graduate School, Research Award
Ashley Bateman, Department of Biology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Anna Baumeister, Department of Comparative Literature
- UO Translation Studies Working Group, Graduate Research Award
Kara Beasley, Department of Human Physiology
- American Physiological Society, Research Distinction Award
Rosemary Bernstein, Department of Psychology
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Fellowship
Andrew Blaikie, Department of Physics
- UO Center for High Energy Physics, Research Award
Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Department of Creative Writing
- Aspen Writers Foundation Scholarship
Daryn Blanc-Goldhammer, Department of Psychology
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Klaree Boose, Department of Anthropology
- Nacey Maggioncalda Foundation, James F. Nacey Fellowship
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Everett D. Monte Scholarship
Rose Bradley, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Henry V. Howe, Scholarship
Natalie Brezack, Department of Psychology
- UO Libraries, Undergraduate Research Award
Vienna Brunt, Department of Human Physiology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Miller Family Graduate Award in Technology and Science
Amber Bryan, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
- UO Libraries, Undergraduate Research Award
Joseph Byrnes, Department of Geological Sciences
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship
Tahisha Buck, Department of Human Physiology
- American Physiological Society, Caroline tum Suden/Frances Hellebrandt Professional Opportunity Award
Annie Caruso, Department of Anthropology
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
Tara Cepon, Department of Anthropology
- National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award
Riley Champine, Department of Geography
- National Geographic, 2014 National Geographic Award in Mapping
Timothy Chen, Department of Environmental Studies
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Zhuo Chen, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Jordan Chess, Department of Physics
- UO Oregon Center for Optics, Research Award
Easther Chigumira, Department of Geography
- American Association of University Women, International Fellowship
- World Bank, Margaret McNamara Fund Fellowship
Mark Ciochina, Department of Geography and Department of Anthropology
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Sara Clark, Department of International Studies
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
Matthew Clement, Department of Sociology
- American Sociological Association, Marvin E. Olsen Student Paper
Alese Colehour, Department of Anthropology
- Ecological Society of America, Best Multidisciplinary Presentation Award
Eryn Cook, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
David Craig, Department of Philosophy
- UO Translation Studies Working Group, Graduate Research Award
Daniel DeVaughn, Department of Creative Writing
- Sewanee Writers’ Conference Scholarship
Andrew Dutterer, Department of Environmental Studies
- UO Planning, Public Policy and Management, John and Karen Baldwin Family Scholarship
Russell Duvernoy, Department of Philosophy
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Norman Brown Graduate Scholarship
Collin Eaton, Department of Environmental Studies
- UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, Summer Research Award
Jonathan Elliott, Department of Human Physiology
- Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Young Investigator Award
Meaghan Emery, Department of Geological Sciences
- American Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Award
- Harvard University, Ernst Mayr Travel Award
Shireen Farahani, Department of Linguistics
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Joshua Fitzgerald, Department of History
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Research Support Fellowship
Davita Flowers-Shanklin, Department of Environmental Studies
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Michelle Fong, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Marthe E. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Doug Foster, Department of Geography
- IREX Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program, Fellowship
Samantha Gammons, Department of International Studies
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Theresa Gildner, Department of Anthropology
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
- American Association of Physical Anthropologists, William S. Pollitzer Student Travel Award
Haley Gillham, Department of Human Physiology
- Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Young Investigator Award
Hannah Godwin, Department of English
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Research Support Fellowship
Jennifer Gomez, Department of Psychology
- American Psychological Association, Anne Anastasi Research Award
Matthew Goslin, Department of Geography
- Native Plant Society of Oregon and Native Plant Society of California, Research Awards
- Northwest Science Association, Student Research Award
- Geological Society of America, Reds Wolman Graduate Student Research Award
Herbie Grotewohl, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Andres Guzman, Department of Sociology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Carolyn M. Stokes Memorial Scholarship
- UO Graduate School and Teaching Effectiveness Program, Dan Kimble First-year Teaching Award
Brianna Hailey, Department of Psychology
- Western Psychological Foundation, Scholarship Award
Andrew Hammond, Department of Physics
- UO Materials Science Institute, Research Award
Matthew Hannah, Department of English
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Jane Grant Dissertation Award
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Dissertation Fellowship
Tobin Hansen, Department of Anthropology
- UO Center on Diversity and Community, Graduate Summer Research Award
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
Sarah Harsey, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Emily Hommerding, Department of Physics
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship
Jason Hubbard, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Henry V. Howe, Scholarship
Alicia Yee Ibaraki, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu, Department of Philosophy
- UO Graduate School, Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award
Chris Jackson, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Will Johnson, Department of International Studies
- American Institute of Pakistan Studies, Research and Lecture Fellowship
Lauren Kahn, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Carolyn M. Stokes Memorial Scholarship
Dmitry Kislitsyn, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Marthe E. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Tyler Kloefkorn, Department of Mathematics
- UO Graduate School, Donald and Darel Stein Award
- UO Graduate School, Research Award
Tyler Knight, Department of Human Physiology
- National Athletic Trainer’s Association, Northwest Athletic Trainer’s Association, Bob Peterson Graduate Scholarship
Linda Konnerth, Department of Linguistics
- UO Graduate School, Three-Minute Thesis Challenge
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Dissertation Fellows Award
Stephanie Kramer, Department of Psychology
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Nicole Lawless, Department of Psychology
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Student Travel Award
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
- UO Graduate School, Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award
Kimberly Lerner, Department of Biology
- UO Libraries, Undergraduate Research Award
Karyn Lewis, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Carolyn M. Stokes Memorial Scholarship
Sze Yan Li, Department of Japanese and Department of Computer and Information Science
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Melissa Ann Liebert, Department of Anthropology
- Wenner Gren Foundation, Research Award
April Lightcap, Department of Psychology
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Pollyanna Lind, Department of Geography
- Geological Society of America, Graduate Research Award
- National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award
- UO Women in Graduate Science, Professional Development Award
Kelley Littlepage, Department of Political Science
- UO Graduate School, Research Award
Zoe Livelybrooks, Department of English
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Meche Lu, Department of Geography
- UO School of Law, David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award
Andrew Lubash, Department of Economics and Department of Political Science
- Harry S. Truman Foundation, Truman Scholarship
Alicia Luque-Ferreras, Department of Romance Languages
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
- UO Graduate School, Research Award
Kyle Lynch-Klarup, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Gina Macy, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Rose Maier, Department of Psychology
- UO Graduate School, Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award
Philipe Bou Malham, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Marthe E. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Paul Martin, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Lindsay Massara, Department of International Studies
- South Asian Summer Language Institute, Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
Nathan Mathabane, Department of Geological Sciences
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Marcus Mayorga, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Carolyn M. Stokes Memorial Scholarship
Win McLaughlin, Department of Geological Sciences
- American Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Award
- Geological Society of America, Student Travel Award
- United States Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Fulbright Research Award
- University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Vertebrate Paleontology, Welles Fund Travel Award
Chris McQuilkin, Department of History
- Eisenhower Library, Travel Award
- Truman Library, Research Grant
Jennifer Mendoza, Department of Psychology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Marthe E. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Kathryn Miller, Department of Political Science
- UO Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, Dissertation Fellowship
Erin Moberg, Department of Romance Languages
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Charles A. Reed Graduate Fellowship
Leslie Morrison, Department of English
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Norman Brown Graduate Scholarship
Reza Motamedi, Department of Computer and Information Science
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Sean Munger, Department of History
- Huntington Library, Dibner Research Fellowship
- Massachusetts Historical Society, Cushing Academy Fellowship
Charlotte Muzzi, Department of Creative Writing
- Sewanee Writers’ Conference Scholarship
Lindsay Naylor, Department of Geography
- UO Graduate School, Public Impact Award
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Research Support Fellowship
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
Jessica Neafie, Department of Political Science
- UO Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
Christine O’Connor, Department of Biology
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship
John O’Connor, Department of Anthropology
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship
- UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History Edna English Trust for Archaeological Research Grant
- UO Risa Palm Graduate Fellowship
Molly O’Neill, Department of Geological Sciences
- Oregon State University, Student Poster Award
Brian Ott, Department of Sociology
- UO Food Studies Program, Graduate Food Studies Research Award
David Ozog, Department of Computer and Information Science
- U.S. Department of Energy, Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
Tarn Painter-MacArthur, Department of Creative Writing
- Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Award for Poets Under 40
Sara Pacchiarotti, Department of Linguistics
- Fulbright Foundation, Fellowship
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Everett D. Monte Scholarship
M. Paul Pickering, Department of Creative Writing
- Sewanee Writers’ Conference Scholarship
Amanda Powell, Department of Romance Languages
- National Endowment for the Arts, Translation Grant
Sarah Praskievicz, Department of Geography
- UO Graduate School, Doctoral Research Fellowship
Amy Price, Department of International Studies
- UO Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, Summer Research Award
Hannah Pruse, Department of Computer and Information Science
- National Science Foundation, Graduate Research Fellowship
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Tom Ptak, Department of Geography
- Henry Luce Foundation/Council of Learned Societies, Pre-dissertation Research Fellowship
Leif Rasmuson, Department of Biology
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Bancha Rattanamathuwong, Department of English
- Fulbright Foundation, Fellowship
Jaleel Reed, Department of Environmental Studies
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Dileep Reddy, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Kristen Reinhardt, Department of Psychology
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Alan Reynolds, Department of Philosophy
- UO Graduate School, Doctoral Research Fellowship
- UO Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics, Dissertation Fellowship
Nicholas Reynolds, Department of German and Scandinavian Studies
- Ludwigsburg University of Education, PH Ludwigsburg/Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach Research Fellowship
Jane Ridgeway, Department of Creative Writing
- UO Margaret McBride Lehrman Fellowship
Jayme Ringleb, Department of Creative Writing
- Lambda Literary Foundation’s Writers Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voice in Los Angeles
Ellen Robertson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- American Chemical Society, Student Poster Presentation Award
Dana Rognlie, Department of Philosophy
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Sarah Ray Rondot, Department of English
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, John L. and Naomi Luvaas Graduate Fellowship
Pedram Rooshenas, Department of Computer and Information Science
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Clarence and Lucille Dunbar Scholarship
Marina Rosenthal, Department of Psychology
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Gabriel Sanchez, Department of Anthropology
- UO Libraries, Undergraduate Research Award
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes, Department of Anthropology
- UO Global Oregon, Summer Research Award
Yan Sang, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Paul Schale, Department of Physics
- UO Institute for Theoretical Science, Research Award
Danielle Seid, Department of English
- UO Food Studies Program, Graduate Food Studies Research Award
Eva Serfozo, Department of Romance Languages
- Auschwitz Jewish Center, Fellowship
Loveprit Singh, Department of Chemistry and Department of Mathematics
- Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program, Goldwater Scholarship
Robert Skarbek, Department of Geological Sciences
- Consortium for Ocean Leadership, OIDP, Post-Expedition Award
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Gus Skorburg, Department of Philosophy
- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Ila and John Mellow Prize
Anna Sloan, Department of Anthropology
- Alaska Anthropological Association, Paper of the Year Award
Alec Smidt, Department of Psychology
- UO Graduate School, Promising Scholar Award
Alexis Smith, Department of German and Scandinavian Studies
- UO Julie and Rocky Dixon Graduate Innovation Award
Carly Smith, Department of Psychology
- American Psychology Association, Student Travel Award
- Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Sage/STP Travel Award
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Research Award
Julian Smith, Department of Physics
- UO Oregon Center for Optics, Research Award
Ian Snyder, Department of Physics
- UO Science Literacy Program, Teaching Fellowship
Samantha Stendal, Department of Cinema Studies
- George Foster Peabody Awards Program, Peabody Award
Alison Stephens, Department of English
- UO Graduate School and Teaching Effectiveness Program, Dan Kimble First-year Teaching Award
Jeremy Strickler, Department of Political Science
- Harry S. Truman Institute, Research Award
Intan Suwandi, Department of Sociology
- UO Graduate School, Southeast Asian Studies Award
Matthew Tanner, Department of Biochemistry
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Lindsay Thane, Department of Political Science
- UO Libraries, Undergraduate Research Award
Laurie Trautman, Department of Geography
- Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S., Graduate Fellowship
- Tokyo Foundation, Sylff Research Abroad Award
- UO Women in Graduate Science, Parenting Award
John Voorheis, Department of Economics
- UO College of Arts and Sciences, Everett D. Monte Scholarship
Jenée Wilde, Department of English
- UO Center for the Study of Women in Society, Jane Grant Dissertation Award
- UO LGBT Education and Support Services, John Moore Scholarship
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Dissertation Fellowship
Marjorie Witt, Department of Art History and Department of English
- Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon Six
Alia Yasen, Department of Human Physiology
- American College of Sports Medicine, Charles M. Tipton Student Research Award
Jungyeon Yoon, Department of English
- Fulbright Foundation, Fellowship
Yunfeng Zhang, Department of Computer and Information Science
- ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Best Paper Award
Mi Zhao, Department of History
- UO Oregon Humanities Center, Graduate Dissertation Fellowship