By Kat Sincuir Alvarez, Class of 2023
Latin America: 20 countries, 652 million people, more than 550 languages, and 1 family.
After taking my first steps on campus, I looked back at my beautiful home, the place of my childhood, the place of my memories. And yet, my home was not a building, or that specific house with three rooms; it was, and is, my family. I knew that without them—without their support—I could not have come this far. The support of the people who love me, the community of people who share my Latino blood, and those who didn’t alike, made me realize the power of community. And in that moment I could not have been more proud of my race. My beautiful people, my sweet people.
During these times of distress, I could not have felt more supported by my people and my family. Because they are my shield when I feel discouraged and they are my sword when I am afraid. Latinos are fighters and resilient; we have strong blood and we are proud of our roots. And so during Latinx Heritage Month, in this so beautiful celebration of our race, I am thankful for the power of the Latinx blood and for the value of each person that dreams and works hard to be recognized, even as many of our stories, legends, and sciences were stripped away from us. And yet, “we are light.” There is power and beauty in our art and culture, there is unprecedented power in our unity. Thanks Latin America, gracias por mi familia.