Campus and Community

A celebration of life for Marshall K. Sauceda will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, at 11:30 a.m. in the Many Nations Longhouse.
The deadline for submitting proposals for 2015-16 Williams Instructional Grants has been extended through Monday, Feb. 9.Grant recipients receive financial support to develop or restructure classes to more actively engage students. The Williams Council is particularly interested in ideas that use student writing to enhance learning and encourage independent exploration of course material.The original announced deadline was Feb. 6, but the extension will give applicants more time to submit materials.
Bill Phillips filled a large lecture hall for his visit in 2008 and returns to dazzle and educate anyone interested in science.
The annual fair brings together many groups focused on the environment and offers hands-on involvement.
Adriene Lim writes that the release of presidential documents without proper review is a records management issue.