Letters to the Editor Spring 2017

Music and Compassion

I read with interest your Winter 2016 article “Rebooting Beethoven,” describing how University of Oregon composer and professor Robert Kyr helped several Oregon teens. My adult son, Joe, graduated several years ago from the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance with a degree in music composition. Professor Kyr was a great help to him.

Years later, my son had an accident and suffered a TBI (traumatic brain injury) while living in New York. On two separate occasions, Robert Kyr took time from his schedule to visit my son in Queens, New York. My son at the time was having difficulty communicating clearly. I was present during those two visits. I observed how compassionate Robert was and how he and my son talked for an hour each time. Robert really understood Joe, listened patiently to him, and asked questions that Joe answered.  It was the clearest Joe had communicated with others. I was amazed.

I will always treasure those wonderful visits.  Joe is doing much better and lives in White Plains, New York. After Joe’s accident, several of his classmates from the School of Music and Dance visited him in New York, and still write now, eight years after the accident. Thanks to all.

William Powers

Lake Oswego, Oregon

Alaby on Call

To echo the request of Jane Harrison, Winter 2016, I also miss info from Alaby Blivet. Perhaps Alaby has a gift to put events into perspective, especially after the past national election.

Rich Attebury BS ’64, MA ’70

Moscow, Idaho

Picturing Inclusivity

My children and I were flipping through the Winter 2016 edition and counted three pictures of non-White people. Three. Even all the ads were of White people. How can we have inclusive communities if we don’t even picture inclusiveness?

Marieka Farrenkopf, BA ’93, EdM, LCSW

Portland, Oregon