Oregon Quarterly Spring 2016

A new book by John Markoff looks at artificial intelligence and the line between humans and machines
Scientists at the UO are studying the microbial clouds that surround us to understand human health
SOJC students are honing the craft of multimedia journalism by reporting in Cuba, Nepal and beyond
The UO’s team of emergency-response specialists stands ready to help in times of crisis.
Student Ross Karapondo finds relief in a lecture hall on campus that resembles an upscale theater
A UO theater troupe offers a fresh approach to conversations about thorny issues
Fresh rain in the fall calls for hunting mushrooms with the UO Outdoor Program
With support from Global Education Oregon, students are gaining benefits from studying abroad
English professor Stephanie LeMenager and students look at a climate-changed future
A UO band from the ’90s celebrates their 25th anniversary and is still rockin’ after all these years
Circe Verba wants kids to to love science as much as she does. She hopes Legos can help.
Marshall O. Bessonette helped design Autzen Stadium. His daughter offers a remembrance
Letters to the editor include instructions on how to throw the proper "O" and praise for Aisha Almana
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