Kevin Marbury named as new vice president for student life
The veteran administrator has served as the division’s interim leader for more than a year
The veteran administrator has served as the division’s interim leader for more than a year
The graduation list includes almost 600 bachelor’s degrees and 128 master’s degrees
Caitlyn Wong is in the running for the Rhodes Scholarship and Sandra Dorning for the Marshall Scholarship
Many facilities will be closed or on reduced hours over the holiday
After three years in the military, Caitlyn Sweat is now a student who helps other vets on campus
The UO's graduation success rate has exceeded 80 percent for seven years in a row
An array of work helps students gain skills, find a community and beef up their résumés
Attendees are invited to suggest campus improvements for night safety
Applications for this year’s humanities mentorship projects close Nov. 6
Student Sarah Hovet was determined to make the most of her time at the UO