AroundtheO conducted a readership survey during the summer to help us identify the types of UO news that are most important to our readers. Now that campus is filled with students, the academic year is underway and AroundtheO's readers are back, it's time to share what you told us in the survey.
You get most of your UO-related news online. You like hearing about interesting AroundtheO stories by way of our periodic emails. And you enjoy reading about campus projects and situations that may affect you directly.
That's what you told us, anyway.
The AroundtheO readership survey also indicates the typical reader is not likely to visit the website during non-work hours – though you're certainly welcome to do so. And readers would like to see more stories about academic programs, question-and-answer interviews with faculty or staff and feature pieces about the interesting and/or unusual.
A total of 190 people responded to the survey, which is part of our ongoing effort to produce the best possible news and information website for UO faculty and staff.
We want to keep things fresh, interesting and relevant. So even if you didn't participate in the survey, feel free to send us a note ( with any comments or suggestions.
Oh, and the other thing that the survey showed – you like the AroundtheO travel mugs. We randomly chose two mug winners from the 125 respondents who submitted their email addresses for the chance to win. Elisa De Vargas in counseling psychology and Angel Dorantes in education studies can pick up their stainless steel mugs in office 10A of Johnson Hall.
- from the UO Office of Public Affairs Communications