Aug. 7 power testing will ensure continuity of service

Campus Planning and Facilities Management is scheduling power testing for Wednesday, Aug. 7, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. The testing schedule and the latest information can be found on the Utilities and Energy website

As a flourishing academic and research institution, it’s critical that UO’s power continues uninterrupted during storms and unexpected events. Under normal conditions, the UO gets electricity from the Eugene Water and Electric Board. However, UO can disconnect from the grid and supply 100 percent of campus power demand via its own generators.

“Islanding” is the process of severing the connection to EWEB while simultaneously connecting to UO generators without measurable disruption to sensitive equipment on campus. Testing brings together engineers who designed the system and university utility technicians to troubleshoot any bugs in equipment or programming. Up to fourteen tests are planned. Successful tests will be undetectable on campus. However, a failed test will result in a ten-second power outage.   

Additional information on how to prepare work areas for testing is shared weekly with building managers, available on the Utilities and Energy website and will be featured in Around the O Workplace and posted to the blog

In addition to the islanding tests, power will be shut off in four buildings for up to 90 minutes. They are: 

  • Ford Alumni Center 
  • Many Nations Longhouse 
  • Deschutes Hall 
  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management headquarters 

Facility managers in those buildings have been notified and are working with staff to minimize impacts to productivity. 

Supervisors should consider alternative timelines and actions for critical tasks that can be delayed while the testing takes place. Employees who normally work on campus may consult with their supervisors to determine if they should work remotely during the testing. 

Those with concerns or questions should contact or 541-346-2319.