Experts from the University of Oregon's Museum of Natural and Cultural History will be on hand to help identify artifacts, fossils and other puzzling items when the museum hosts its annual Identification Day and Roadshow from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., on Saturday, April 27.
Visitors can bring objects such as fossils, rocks or handmade artifacts to the museum, where a panel of experts will help identify them.
This year's event will also feature roadshow workshops in basketry, flint-knapping and more.
The event is free to MNCH members, including UO students, faculty and staff; regular admission rates apply for the public.
No appraisals will be given at the event, but helping people identify significant objects promotes awareness and stewardship of Oregon's natural and cultural history, according to the museum.
The museum has enlisted the help of archaeologists, paleontologists, geologists and tribal members, all of whom are knowledgeable about prehistoric and historic materials.
- from the UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History