The University of Oregon's Office of Emergency Management and Continuity wants to make sure everyone knows what to do if an earthquake were to shake Eugene.
The UO office is teaming up with the Oregon Pacific Chapter of the American Red Cross to offer a one-hour "Earthquake Readiness" training on April 19, in conjunction with April's Earthquake Awareness Month observances in Oregon. Registration is required. The training session will be from noon to 1 p.m.
The training session will include information about the Oregon Resilience Plan, how to plan with your family for an earthquake, proper earthquake response, assembling emergency supply kits, and the nuts and bolts of how to earthquake-proof your home.
A first aid kit will be offered to everyone who attends the event, allowing attendees to jump-start their emergency supply kits.
The Oregon Resilience Plan is a 290-page draft report by the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission that details the likely consequences of a massive earthquake off the Oregon Coast, and a resulting tsunami. The report recommends 50 years of seismic upgrades and other investments.
- from the UO Office of Emergency Management and Continuity