Campus Planning and Facilities Management has updated its running list of closures and other activities that affect travel, access and planning on campus.
The department broadcasts important campus notifications in a variety of ways to keep the university community informed about building maintenance, emergency management testing, construction and other campus planning and facility projects.
The latest notifications include:
- Prince Lucien Campbell Hall Room 23 renovation noise advisory, Dec. 27-Jan. 20.
- Klamath Hall electrical panel shut down, Jan. 3.
- Campus fire system testing this week for Lillis, Knight Law, JSMA and Millrace Garage, week of Jan. 2.
- Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art large sculpture installation in north courtyard, Jan. 17-19.
- Knight Library second floor paint odor advisory, Dec. 12-Jan. 6, 2023.
- Campus AMAG academic break and holiday door locks advisory for 2022/23.
- Lawrence Hall wheelchair lift (E271) shut down for repairs, timeline unknown.
- Frohnmayer Music heating system repair, timeline unknown.
- NILI (1629 Moss St.) HVAC shutdown to remove pest odor, timeline unknown.
- Gerlinger Annex first floor steam heat shut down due to leak, timeline unknown.
- Volcanology steam heat shut down to repair leak, timeline unknown.
- Baker Downtown Center restrooms 201A and 202A shut down until city of Eugene repairs sewer line, timeline unknown.
- Streisinger Hall and Lokey Labs steam shut down to replace condensate pumps, timeline unknown.
- Klamath Hall house vacuum down, timeline unknown.
- University Health Services basement emergency shut down of AHU-1, timeline unknown.
- Huestis Hall, Streisinger Hall and Lokey Labs demolition activities in Huestis north lobby, timeline unknown.
- Huestis Hall, Willamette Hall and Streisinger Hall electrical shutdown, timeline unknown.
- Area between Volcanology and Columbia Hall excavation/utility work, Nov. 9, 2022-Jan. 6, 2023.
- Campus fire systems testing/maintenance scheduled for Dec. 12, 2022-Jan. 6, 2023.
- Pacific Hall rooms 203 and 204 minor interior work advisory, Nov. 14, 2022-Jan. 31, 2023.
- Prince Lucien Campbell Hall classrooms 348 and 353 renovation, Dec. 12, 2022-Jan. 31, 2023.
- Zebrafish International Resource Center addition construction advisory, July 2, 2021-Feb. 17, 2023.
- CPFM Back Forty thermal tank storage project advisory, Jan. 31, 2022-Feb. 28, 2023.
- Huestis Hall and Lokey Labs basement access advisory during Huestis Hall renovation project, Sept. 28, 2022-March 13, 2023.
- Hamilton/Walton Residence Hall Transformation Project phase 2, July 6, 2021-Aug. 1, 2023.
- McKenzie Hall carpet replacement and access advisory on third floor, Aug. 1-31, 2023.
- Huestis Renovation Project Site Logistics for next phase, March 31, 2022-Dec. 31, 2023.
- Knight Campus Phase Two project access advisory for north campus, Dec. 12, 2022-Aug. 29, 2025.
Employees can stayed informed by visiting the UO map construction and impacts or the campus closures, shutdowns and detours website.