There are resources for faculty and staff who encounter students whose behavior is of concern, and a new guide makes that information available online.
The Faculty and Staff Guide to Assisting Students of Concern – The Guide – familiarizes faculty and staff, including student staff, with resources that are available when working with students whose behavior is of concern, and how to make an effective referral.
Last fall, the Office of the Dean of Students made arrangements for faculty and staff to receive a folder with The Guide. Now Robin Holmes, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Paul Shang, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students, are distributing a digital copy and placing it on their websites.
As new faculty and staff join our university community, please send requests for additional folders to the Office of the Dean of Students at or refer them to the link Faculty/Staff Guide to Assisting Students on the Office of the Dean of Students’ website and under LINKS on the website of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs or at
Feedback is also sought regarding the guide and takes less than five minutes to complete. Suggestions can also be sent to
In response to requests from colleagues, relevant trainings are being developed for implementation in the coming terms and feedback on that particular topic is not necessarily required.