Campus has been smoke- and tobacco-free for nine months.
Here’s your chance to weigh in on the new policy.
The Smoke- and Tobacco-free Initiative is conducting a survey of the UO community to assess the smoke- and tobacco-free policy that took effect Sept. 1.
This 5-10 minute survey is an opportunity for faculty and staff to provide input about the transition to a smoke- and tobacco-free campus and the potential services we might provide. The purpose of the survey is to measure current campus attitudes about tobacco, the smoke- and tobacco-free policy and tobacco-related programming.
Your response to this survey provides important information to help impact the health and well being of the university community.
Responses to the survey are anonymous and confidential. Responses will not be connected with any identifying information, and responses to this survey will have no impact on your relationship with the University of Oregon, your employment or your health coverage.
By completing this survey, you will be entered into a raffle to win one of eight $50 Duck Store gift cards.
The University of Oregon is the first Pac-12 campus to go smoke- and tobacco-free.
The policy bans the use of all tobacco products on property owned or controlled by the UO, including its Eugene campus, the UO in Portland at the White Stag Block, the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology in Charleston and the Pine Mountain Observatory near Bend. The change applies to buildings, athletic and entertainment facilities (both indoor and outdoor), sidewalks, roadways, parking lots and grounds.
It is made official by Oregon Administrative Rule 571-050-0005, which allows for a $30 fine for violation of the policy. However, the goal for the first year is to provide education and awareness, and encourage compliance with the new policy.
- by Healthy Oregon, A Healthy Campus Initiative