I am writing to let you know about a planned reorganization within central administration. I have decided to combine our existing University Relations and University Development operations to form a single unit, University Advancement. I am pleased to announce that Michael Andreasen, our vice president for development, has agreed to expand his role to oversee this new portfolio as vice president for advancement. Michael will work quickly to integrate the components into the advancement model and secure operational efficiencies, as well as continuing to lead our development activities.
This is a model used extensively in higher education and it marks a return to a structure that served the university well during our most recent campaign. The primary objective of the advancement model is to build awareness, engagement and support of the university among all our critical stakeholder groups including students, faculty, staff, alumni, Oregonians, friends, corporate partners and national leaders.
It is my expectation that this model will provide a more effective and integrated approach to our many communication and external outreach efforts. This change will also create efficiencies and cost savings, which I intend to invest in our research and instructional operations.
I am very pleased that Michael is willing to begin work to facilitate this transition and will formally assume the role of vice president for advancement on April 15.
Best regards,
Michael Gottfredson, President
University of Oregon