UO researchers and scholars were recently featured in stories about dinosaur extinction, protecting Dreamers, women in Pakistan, linguistics and STEM education, among other topics.
Two different research papers by UO earth sciences professors have dominated the headlines recently. Leif Karlstrom’s paper on how the dinosaur-killing asteroid triggered mass magma releases made international headlines, including in The Guardian, the Associated Press, Discover Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine and CBS News. A new study on a fossilized mammoth trackway by Gregory Retallack was picked up by major outlets, including the Daily Mail UK and the International Business Times.
Here are some other places where UO researchers were mentioned in the media:
- UO President Michael Schill co-authored an Oregonian op-ed about protecting Dreamers.
- Anita Weiss, professor of international studies, provided expert commentary for a PBS NewsHour story on abused women in Pakistan.
- UO education professor Leslie Leve co-authored an op-ed in The Hill calling for more efforts on drug prevention.
- UO law professor Elizabeth Tippett appeared in a video for NBC Left Field about sexual harassment trainings.
- UO psychology professors Elliot Berkman and Jennifer Pfeifer and doctoral candidate Jessica Flannery co-authored an article for The Conversation about teens and risks. The story was republished in the San Francisco Chronicle, the Houston Chronicle and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
- A story in The Atlantic mentions research by UO linguistics professor Melissa Redford.
- Elly Vandegrift, associate director of the Science Literacy Program, talked about the program in The Oregonian’s education guide.
Around the O would like to know when members of the UO faculty, staff or students are interviewed by media or have written for publications based on their role at the UO. If you or a colleague have been in the news please send an email to uonews@uoregon.edu. If you would like to learn more about writing for The Conversation, email Molly Blancett at blancett@uoregon.edu.