UO researchers and scholars were recently featured in stories about student orientation programs, microbes and school lunch shaming, among other topics.
The Chronicle of Higher Education highlighted the UO’s student orientation programs as examples of ways universities are adapting curriculum to prepare students for college. University researchers and faculty also were featured in other news outlets for stories about geography skills, racial conflicts, branding, the return to the Rust Belt, Vietnam and China relations, and ancestry.
Here are some other places where UO researchers were mentioned in the media:
- UO biologist Jessica Green told NPR’s Science Friday that researchers at the UO’s Biology and the Built Environment Center are paving the way for architects, engineers and biologists to work together.
- Newsweek picked up a piece from the College of Education’s Sarah Riggs Stapleton that originally appeared in The Conversation. Stapleton wrote about school lunch shaming.
- The New York Times quoted UO geography professor Alec Murphey in a story announcing a new feature to build students’ geography skills.
- UO political science professor Joe Lowndes talked about the growing racial conflict in the US with France 24.
- New research by UO marketing professor Bettina Cornwell was featured in Quartz. Cornwell’s study found that people who are lonely are more likely to buy products that have faces on them.
- CityLab featured a new study by UO sociologist Jill Harrison. Harrison looked at those who are returning to one of the most economically devastated cities in the Rust Belt.
- A YaleGlobal Online story by UO political science professor Tuong Vu about relations between China and Vietnam was picked up by Eurasia Review.
- UO journalism professor Debra Merskin’s book was cited in a story on TheRoot.com.
Around the O would like to know when members of the UO faculty, staff or students are interviewed by media or have written for publications based on their role at the UO. If you or a colleague have been in the news please send an email to uonews@uoregon.edu.