UO researchers and scholars were recently featured in stories about the effects of meditating on anxiety, new exoplanets and the role of immigrants in the labor force, among other stories.
The Los Angeles Times ran a story about a new study by UO psychologists and biologists. “Can a mouse meditate? Why these researchers want to find out” explores work by the UO’s Michael Posner, Cris Niell, Aldis Weible, Denise Piscopob and Mary K. Rothbart and looked at the effect of mindfulness training on brain activity using mice.
Here are some other places where UO researchers were mentioned in the media:
- Oregon Public Broadcasting interviewed UO faculty members for a pair of stories. UO astronomer Scott Fisher provided insight into NASA’s discovery of seven Earth-size planets around a nearby star. Troy Campbell, a marketing professor in the Lundquist College of Business, talked about how influencer marketing works on Think Out Loud.
- Harvard University’s Nieman Journalism Lab highlighted a new project by the UO’s Agora Journalism Center at the School of Journalism and Communication called Gather.
- UO law professor Liz Tippett wrote a new piece for The Conversation, titled Uber’s dismissive treatment of employee’s sexism claims is all too typical. The story was picked up by dozens of outlets, including The Washington Post.
- Tim Duy, an economics professor at the UO, commented on the influence of labor force growth on the economy in a story for TheStreet.com.
Around the O would like to know when members of the UOfaculty, staff or students are interviewed by media or have written for publications based on their role at the UO. If you or a colleague have been in the news, please send an email to uonews@uoregon.edu.