UO researchers and scholars were recently featured in stories about housing for immigrant children, artificial intelligence, archaeology and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, among other topics.
Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh, vice president for equity and inclusion and a professor of political science at the UO, provided seven steps for building campus environments where equity, inclusion and diversity are a part of everyday life. The recommendations ran in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Here are some other places where UO researchers were mentioned in the media:
- Dyana Mason, assistant professor of planning, public policy and management, provided insight into the shelters that house detained immigrant children in a piece picked up by The Conversation. Salon, The Chicago Tribune and The Oregonian, among others.
- Susanna Lim, associate professor of Korean and Russian studies, explained how Korean boy band BTS took America by storm in an article for The Conversation. Dozens of major media outlets published the piece, including the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle and the Houston Chronicle.
- UO computer and information science professor Daniel Lowd also wrote for The Conversation. His piece titled “Can Facebook use AI to fight online abuse?” ran on Scientific American online as well as the Associated Press and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
- Research by archaeologist Jon Erlandson appeared in several California media outlets, including the Ventura County Star, Santa Maria Times, and KEYT News.
- Jeffrey Sprague, director of the Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior at the UO, was quoted in an EdScoop article about technology and school shootings.
- Smart Cities Dive quoted Nico Larco, director of the Urbanism Next Center and a professor at the UO, in a story about autonomous vehicles.
- Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg, director of the UO’s Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory, was quoted in Architect Magazine.
- UO geography professor Peter Walker provided expert commentary for a story in High Country News about the Malheur occupation.
Around the O would like to know when members of the UO faculty, staff or students are interviewed by media or have written for publications based on their role at the UO. If you or a colleague have been in the news, please send an email to uonews@uoregon.edu. If you would like to learn more about writing for The Conversation, email Molly Blancett at blancett@uoregon.edu.