UO researchers and scholars were recently featured in stories about gender equity, school shootings and the cost of training for the Olympics, among other topics.
Yvette Alex-Assensoh, professor of political science and vice president for equity and inclusion at the UO, wrote a piece for Inside Higher Ed about gender equity in service work.
Here are some other places where UO researchers were mentioned in the media:
- Research by UO earth sciences professor Greg Retallack and his students appeared in Smithsonian Magazine.
- A Wall Street Journal reporter interviewed Regina Lawrence, director of the UO School of Journalism and Communication’s Turnbull Portland Center and Agora Journalism Center, about how the Florida school shooting turned into a gun-control movement.
- UO journalism professor Nicole Smith Dahmen was interviewed by CBC Canada for a story about on whether images from school shootings should be public.
- UO psychology professor Paul Slovic’s research was featured in a story on FiveThirtyEight.
- Gerardo Sandoval, associate professor of planning, public policy and management at the UO, was quoted a Los Angeles Times story about a changing neighborhood.
- Marjorie Taylor, a psychologist and professor emerita at the UO, was featured in an article in Artsy about creativity.
- Craig Leon, MBA program manager in the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, wrote a story for The Conversation about how Olympians raise funds to compete. Major media outlets, including the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, republished the piece.
Around the O would like to know when members of the UO faculty, staff or students are interviewed by media or have written for publications based on their role at the UO. If you or a colleague have been in the news please send an email to uonews@uoregon.edu. If you would like to learn more about writing for The Conversation, email Molly Blancett at blancett@uoregon.edu.