Provost hosts events to enhance inclusive excellence

The Office of the Provost is hosting a series of events this spring intended to create a culture of inclusive teaching at the UO, as well as to improve efforts to hire and retain diverse faculty and work toward more equitable student success. 

“Inclusive excellence is central to the University of Oregon’s mission and continues to be a top priority within the Office of the Provost,” said interim Provost Janet Woodruff-Borden. “The Inclusive Excellence in Action events are one of many efforts on campus designed to help foster the sense of belonging and engagement for all UO faculty and students. Events such as these provide opportunities to meaningfully enhance our students’ and our faculty’s success and ability to thrive and make lasting contributions during their time here.”

Inclusive Excellence in Action features three upcoming events for students, staff and faculty: 

  • Faculty Success: Inclusive Recruitment and Retentions Summit, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, April 26, in the Giustina Ballroom in the Ford Alumni Center. Goals include recognizing existing inclusive recruitment and retention efforts and identifying challenges and strategies to advance specific efforts of focus. Registrations for this event closed on Friday, April 14.  
  • Closing Student Achievement Equity Gaps, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday, May 30, Crater Room, Erb Memorial Union. The goal of the event is to create institutional strategies to address student achievement goals identified in the annual assessment. The agenda includes an analysis of student achievement goals, promising practices and strategy sessions to identify potential priorities for addressing student achievement equity gaps.  
  • Student Success Summit, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, June 1, EMU ballroom. Join UO student-facing staff and faculty members for a half day of learning, networking and sharing of undergraduate student success best practices. The theme of the summit is “Achieving Equitable Student Success,” and goals include promoting a culture of equitable student success; creating a shared understanding of institutional student success priorities and current equity gaps; and surfacing institutional barriers impeding equitable outcomes while celebrating successful practices. The discussion will focus on sharing ideas for solutions and connecting them to actions. 

The first event, the Inclusive Teaching at UO Launch Event, took place March 3 and celebrated the launch of a $500,000 Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant that will fund new programing and projects around inclusive teaching at the university. A slide deck of the presentation can be viewed online.

To learn more or register for the remaining Inclusive Excellence in Action events, visit the Office of the Provost website

Top photo: An inclusive teaching event was held March 3.