Acting Provost Frances Bronet is turning to campus for help crafting a plan to make the university’s goals of student access and academic excellence a reality.
As the university enters the next phase of its strategic planning process, the provost is seeking nominations for faculty, staff and students to serve on four task force groups. These groups will play an integral role in writing the plan for implementing and achieving the goals of the competitive excellence initiative.
The provost will take nominations by email at until Monday, Nov. 3. The university’s current strategic planning process started more than a year ago. The provost office launched several initiatives including benchmarking, academic priority setting, mission writing and the creation of the Clusters of Excellence hiring process. This culminated with the creation of the competitive excellence plan that was presented to the UO Board of Trustees, University Senate and other constituent groups in fall.
Bronet and interim President Scott Coltrane announced at the Oct. 22 University Senate meeting that they will be seeking four representative groups to focus on the following areas:
- Attract high quality, diverse students and promote student access, retention and success.
- Elevate research, scholarship and creative profile including expanding graduate education.
- Attract and retain high quality, diverse faculty and staff.
- Enhance physical and IT infrastructure to ensure academic excellence.
The membership of each task force will vary depending on the focus but each will include faculty, Officers of Administration, classified staff, graduate students and undergraduate students, as well as representatives of academic, administrative and campus groups.
More information about the task force groups is available here. More information on strategic planning is available on the provost’s website.
—By Jennifer Winters, Public Affairs Communications