Resilience summit topics range from safety to records management

Late February’s blast of snow was a wet, cold reminder that the unexpected is always lurking. The University of Oregon’s Risk and Resilience Summit on April 1 to 5 will cover a range of topics, from office safety and workplace violence prevention, to purchasing and contracts, records management, employment law, privacy, and cyber.

"Creating a resilient University of Oregon is a shared responsibility," Andre Le Duc , associate vice president for Safety and Risk Services. "The summit is an opportunity for the campus community to learn more about what is being done as well as what administration, departments and individuals can do to personally contribute to our organization’s durability."

Hosted by Safety and Risk Services, the Office of the General Counsel, Human Resources and Internal Audit, the summit will take place over the week. Most of the session will take place in the EMU.

“Setting aside even half of a single day is a lot to ask of busy people,” Le Duc said. “This allows people to pick topics useful to them throughout the week as their schedules allow.”

The full list of offerings is on the Safety and Risk Services web site; each title links to a MyTrack registration for the session. Employees can sign up for as many as they like, but are asked to remember that seats are limited and to attend any sessions they have reserved. Attendees at each session will receive a raffle ticket for drawings for preparedness gear, including an earthquake survival backpack with days of supplies and helpful tools.

The summit kicks off with opening remarks from Jamie Moffitt, vice president for Finance and Administration and David Conover, vice president for Research and Innovation, as well as a presentation on organizational resilience principles and how they are being applied here at UO. The kickoff session is 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on  April 1 in the EMU ballroom.