The University of Oregon is turning the tables on would-be vendors, so to speak.
Purchasing and Contracting Services, in coordination with Campus Operations and Public and Government Relations, will host the 3rd UO Reverse Vendor Fair in the Club Room at Autzen Stadium on Feb. 27.
During the fair, UO departments will host the tables and vendors will visit each to learn how to do business with various departments. Business representatives and university officials can meet at one time and in one location, with vendors marketing their products and services.
The event typically draws more than 600 participants representing more than 400 different businesses, as well as dozens of representatives from university departments and local agencies.
Tables can also be hosted by other OUS institutions, OUS, the Governor’s Advocate, the cities of Eugene and Springfield or other local public institutions.
The focus of the event is to encourage doing business with Minority, Women and Emerging Small Businesses in the area, and representatives from such businesses are encouraged to attend. Success also hinges on UO department participation; registration to host a table is open and departments are invited to sign up.
Registration and parking are free and refreshments are provided.