As news of the new coronavirus changes daily, the University of Oregon is taking precautions and providing updates on the institutional response to COVID-19.
President Michael Schill, in a message to campus on Feb. 28, announced the expansion of the UO’s Incident Management Team “to increase availability of and support for operations, logistics and preparedness efforts across campus.”
University updates, resources, timely information and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the University Health Center website.
Provost and Senior Vice President Patrick Phillips sent a message to faculty members on Tuesday with guidance on academic continuity and working with students if COVID-19 continues to spread or reaches campus.
Additional information will be provided to the campus community as it becomes available. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourages people to follow good health habits, including frequent hand washing, covering your coughs and sneezes, and avoiding touching your face.
Questions and concerns should be submitted on this webform, which goes directly to incident management staff to respond within 48 hours.