The 27th International Conference on Supercomputing will be held at the University of Oregon June 10-14, featuring a mix of workshops, tutorials and technical programs on supercomputing.
The conference is the premier international forum for presentation of research results in high-performance computing systems. The general chair is Allen Malony, a professor in the university’s Computer and Information Science department.
Sponsored by the Association for Computer Machinery, the conference accepts contributions on a broad range of supercomputing topics. Submissions are encouraged regarding extreme-scale and heterogeneous supercomputing systems, integrated high performance computing software stacks and scientific and engineering applications of supercomputing.
Abstract submissions are due Jan. 11 and paper submissions, Jan. 18. Workshop/tutorial proposals are due Jan. 25 and notification occurs Jan. 30. Author notification occurs March 21; the early registration deadline is March 29 and final papers are due April 1.
Dates are tentative; check for updates.