The online resources for professional development have found a new website home. The content and resources previously offered on a stand-alone website were updated and transferred to a new professional development section within the Office of Human Resources site.
Employees still have quick access to a variety of professional development opportunities, including highlighted courses and the online learning system Skillport.
“Giving professional development a new web look is the first step of a larger transition,” said Sandee Bybee, HR engagement and communications manager. “It not only aligns professional development’s web presence with other HR units, but it also lays a foundation for transitioning from Making Tracks to a new professional development online system.”
HR is expanding the MyTrack system currently used for recruitment and onboarding to include professional development. The expanded features of MyTrack will allow employees and supervisors to create professional development plans, register for learning and development opportunities, and track progress.
This new professional development and learning module in MyTrack will also provide course registration, which will replace Making Tracks. HR is working with those who administer courses in Making Tracks to transition to the new system.
Making Tracks, the university’s current course registration program, will continue to be available on the previous professional development website until the new system goes live.
According to Bybee, employees will learn more about the new professional development system over the next month in advance of the system going live. HR plans to launch the professional development system using MyTrack in November.