As winter approaches, know the policies for inclement weather on campus

Ice and snowstorms are the most common forms of extreme winter weather for most of Western Oregon and have impacted campus operations in recent years. Before winter weather hits, have a plan and know university policies regarding closures, delays and other safety measures.

The UO is a residential campus, with around-the-clock operations. Complete campus closures are rare. Some weather conditions, however, may force cancellation or delay of classes or other activities.

Weather-related notices will be posted to the UO website, the UO Alerts website, sent via email and texted to those who signed up for text alerts on DuckWeb. Information on closures or delays also are available by calling 541-346-9000. In addition, information will be sent to local news outlets, which share weather-related closures and delays.

Employees who perform essential duties — such as public safety, work in residence or dining halls, or grounds maintenance — will be expected to report to work. Supervisors are encouraged to let employees know if they perform essential duties before the risk of extreme weather.

Even if classes are not delayed or canceled, not all faculty, staff and students will be able to safely travel to campus. Campus community members are expected to use their best judgment to assess the risk of travel, both to and from campus.

Faculty members who cancel classes should alert students in a timely way. Possible communication methods include using Blackboard, sending an email or using the university voicemail system.

Employees who are unable to report to work because of bad weather or the university has closed may use accrued vacation, compensatory time, exchange time, personal leave or leave without pay to cover the missed work time. Use of accrued sick leave is appropriate only in the case of illness. When employees do not have sufficient leave to cover the unexpected absence, supervisors are encouraged to allow employees to make up the time, if operational needs permit.

The university often remains open while public schools and local child-care centers close due to bad weather. Supervisors are encouraged to recognize the difficulties this creates for working parents by responding with as much flexibility as the particular work environment will allow. Supervisors may permit parents to bring their children with them to work or to allow them to take work home, if their specific job duties accommodate such adjustments.

The UO in Portland (including the White Stag Block and 200 Market Street) follows the inclement weather decisions of Portland State University. The Oregon Marine Institute of Biology in Charleston and the UO Bend office and Pine Mountain Observatory will make decisions about delay, cancellation and closure based on their local conditions.   

If you have questions about the UO’s Inclement Weather Policy, contact your direct supervisor.

For more information, see the complete UO Inclement Weather Policy.