Workshop will help campus offices keep their spaces green

Fall colors at the University of Oregon will include green when the Office of Sustainability holds its annual November orientation for offices that want to become environmentally friendly.

The fall Green Office Certification orientation, running from noon to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 7, will cover how workplaces across campus can improve operations to reduce waste, save energy and more. The Office of Sustainability will offer the 90-minute program — the cost is $15 per participant, lunch included — to teach dozens of ways to reduce the environmental footprint of university offices.

To register, email Briana Meier at The orientation is aimed at UO employees in administrative units responsible for office management.

“The orientation will show how to complete the green office scorecard, start the green office certification process, spark conversations about greening and resiliency in the workplace and improve best practices,” said sustainability director Steve Mital.

More than 45 offices have been certified — 20 percent of all campus units — and the list is growing, the sustainability office said.