Alayna Park, Department of Psychology

Picture of Alayna Park

Alayna Park

Assistant Professor
Director, ADDRESS Mental Health Laboratory
Affiliate Faculty Member, The Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health
Practice Areas: Youth Mental Behavioral Health, Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, Mental Health Literacy, Mental Health Disparities

Faculty bioADDRESS Mental Health Laboratory

Alayna Park is an expert in youth mental health and behavioral health, evidence-based psychotherapies, mental health literacy, and mental health disparities. A licensed clinical psychologist and an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, her research is driven by the goal of improving the accessibility, quality, and effectiveness of mental health services. She is particularly interested in re-designing, disseminating, and implementing evidence-based mental health programs for diverse and dynamic school and community mental health settings. Park has published more than 30 scientific papers on the topics of clinical decision-making, racial and ethnic mental health disparities, and the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based psychotherapies. Her work has been recognized with awards from the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Delaware Project, Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP), Society of Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) and Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP).

Recent Media:
Are you in a therapy rut? (The New York Times, March 6, 2025)
More and more people have 'lifestyle fatigue.' Maybe you do, too. (HuffPost, Sept. 12, 2022)
How to make your weekends feel longer (HuffPost, Sept. 1, 2022)