Faculty bio | https://alexsegrecohen.com/about/
Alex Segrè Cohen is an academic expert in psychology, science communication, and decision-making about sustainability, the environment, and human health. Her research explores how people perceive, understand, and communicate about emerging environmental risks. More specifically, my work (a) identifies how people form perceptions and judgments about these emergent risks, (b) examines how information sources influence these judgments, and (c) explores how institutional actors like policymakers, journalists, and scientists can effectively communicate these risks.
The contexts Cohen researches range from novel technologies to environmental justice and risk management of natural hazards. Both her academic and professional experience inspire Cohen’s work; her PhD in Psychology allows her to harness theories from behavioral sciences, while her former positions as the Director of Operations of Our Climate Voices and Social Scientist at the National Science Foundation provide Cohen with lived experiences of working in climate justice and science communications spaces.