Faculty bio | Center on Teaching and Learning | 541-346-9134
Ben Clarke is an academic expert in early childhood education. He studies the development of mathematical learning in elementary age students who are at-risk for or who have mathematics learning disabilities. Ben creates and validates early screening systems to identify at-risk students and helps to develop and evaluate intervention curricula to address specific learning needs in mathematics. Ben has served as principal investigator on 13 federally funded research grants in the area of mathematics instruction focused on the development and efficacy testing of intervention programs spanning the K-6th grade spectrum in both traditional and technology based formats.
Recent media:
Kindergarten math is often too basic. Here’s why that’s a problem (The Hechinger Report, May 2, 2024)
Schools prioritize reading intervention. But what about math? (Education Week, Feb. 23, 2024)
Benefits of early math experiences add up (EdSource, Nov. 23, 2021)
UO expertise draws first STEM equity forum in North America (Around the O, July 24, 2018)