Damien Callahan, Department of Human Physiology

Damien Callahan in a lab

Damien Callahan

Assistant Professor, Human Physiology
Principal Investigator, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon
Practice Areas: Human Physiology, Human Performance, Aging, Female Athletes, Mobility, Injury Recovery, Knee Replacements

Faculty bio | Muscle Cellular Biology Lab 

Damien Callahan is an academic expert on injury recovery, aging and female athletes. Damien directs the Muscle Cellular Biology Lab (MCBL). The lab investigates cellular and molecular mechanisms explaining age and sex-related differences in musculotendinous tissue mechanics. He is interested in how chronic influences (age and sex) interact with acute influences (muscle fatigue, estrogen cycling) to impact muscle tissue mechanical properties in ways that might influence injury risk in athletes and functional mobility in older adults. 

Recent Media:
University of Oregon research to figure out why female athletes are more susceptible to ACL injuries (KGW, July 23, 2024)
Researchers awarded $2.3M grant to enhance understanding of rotator cuff injury (Penn State, March 3, 2023)
Age is just a number for some elite marathoners at World Track & Field Championships in Eugene (KUOW, July 14, 2022)
Damien Callahan and injuries in athletes (Oregon Quarterly, July 6, 2022)
Optimizing performance for the human race (University of Oregon, Summer 2022)
Does having more muscle mass mean you're burning more calories? An expert answers (PopSugar, June 21, 2018)