Daniel Grimes is an academic expert in genetics, genomics and embryonic development. Daniel studies symmetries and asymmetries in the body plan. Many features of vertebrate bodies, such as the skeleton and the limbs, display symmetry between left and right. By contrast, the internal organs exhibit left-right asymmetries in their position and structure. His lab uses genetic, genomic and imaging procedures to understand the basis of these symmetries and asymmetries during development and growth. He is also interested in how (a)symmetries contribute to human diseases including birth defects and scoliosis.
Recent Media:
Zebrafish research helps reveal the origins of scoliosis (OregonNews, Feb. 3, 2023)
Biologists to study prions, embryos with big NIH grants (OregonNews, Dec. 9, 2021)
Fish with creepy curved backbones could help explain scoliosis (WIRED, July 8, 2016)
Scoliosis traced to problems in spinal fluid flow, Francis Collins (NIH Director's Blog, July 7, 2016)