Jeffrey Sprague is an academic expert in school violence, school safety, positive behavior interventions and supports, multi-tiered support systems, alternative education, and juvenile delinquency prevention and treatment. Jeff is a contributor to "Early Warning, Timely Response," and the "1998, 1999, and 2000 President’s Annual Reports on School Safety." He has written a book on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design for school administrators and has authored a book on school safety. Jeff recently completed a research project from the National Institute in Drug Abuse to conduct the first randomized control trial of the effects of Positive Behavior Supports in middle schools. He is also co-principal investigator on five Institute of Education Sciences Goal 2 development projects focusing on PBIS in schools, Response to Intervention for behavior, classroom management, student self-management and PBIS implementation in juvenile justice settings.
Recent Media:
City Club of Eugene: Gun Violence: A Public Health Crisis (KLCC, June 15, 2020)
The difficult task of singling out school shooters (Jefferson Public Radio, July 26, 2018)
Technology may not stop a school shooting from happening, but it can still help (EdScoop, June 8, 2018)
Jeffrey Sprague, College of Education

Jeffrey Sprague
Practice Areas: School Violence, School Safety, Crime Prevention, Juvenile Delinquency, Behavior Disorders