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Krystale Littlejohn is an academic expert in fertility, contraception and sexual behavior, social inequality, and the social dimensions of health. Her research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. At the University of Oregon, she is an associate professor of sociology. In her book, Just Get on the Pill: The Uneven Burden of Reproductive Politics, she uses a reproductive justice lens and in-depth interviews with young women to reveal social inequality in the organization of pregnancy prevention. The book highlights how taken-for-granted gendered ideas about men’s and women’s bodies in pregnancy prevention can pose challenges for women’s health and reproductive autonomy and make it more difficult for couples to prevent pregnancy. Other work examines sexual behavior and experiences of sexual violence, particularly among college students.
Recent Media:
Social Media ‘Wellness’ Influencers Peddle Lies About Birth Control (Rewire News Group, March, 20, 2023)
My Body, My Sponge? (Slate, Jan. 3, 2023)
Vasectomy: The US men embracing permanent birth control (BBC, Oct. 26, 2022)
TikTok loves 'natural' birth control. But is it right for you? (Mashable, Aug. 16, 2022)
‘Snip snip hooray’: Vasectomies among the young and child-free may be rising (The New York Times, Aug. 12, 2022)
Permanent birth control is in demand in the US—but hard to get (Wired, July 6, 2022)
Why there’s still no new birth control for men (The Washington Post, April 14, 2022)
Mississippi is wrong. Even with birth control, abortion access is necessary. (The Washington Post, Dec. 7, 2021)
Professor's book examines bias, dissatisfaction with birth control (OregonNews, Nov. 9, 2021)
Why access to birth control is no substitute for abortion rights (TIME, Sept. 17, 2021)
Birth Control: Present (National Public Radio, July 14, 2021)
Birth Control: Past (National Public Radio, July 13, 2021)
How the pandemic laid groundwork for protests (KOIN-TV, Aug. 19, 2020)
Did coronavirus lay the groundwork for nationwide protests against systemic racism? (The Oregonian, Aug. 18, 2020)
‘We’re Talking About More Than Half a Million People Missing From the U.S. Population’ (The Atlantic, July 23, 2020)