Faculty bio | 541-346-2586
McKay Sohlberg is an academic expert in special education, early intervention, communication disorders, and brain injury recovery, especially related to concussion. At the HEDCO Clinic, she studies treatments for people with persistent effects of concussion (minor and repetitive), and together with Prof. Steve Fickas in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, designs technologies to help people with brain injuries, including an email program for people who have amnesia.
Recent Media:
Youth Concussion Management Team (Oregon Public Broadcasting Think Out Loud, June 26, 2019)
Treating Concussions (Oregon Public Broadcasting Think Out Loud, Feb. 25, 2016)
Microsoft launches digital media report for advertisers (Campaign, May 12, 2015)
Slow & steady, step by step, (The ASHA Leader, May 2015)