Nicole Giuliani, College of Education

Nicole Giuliani image

Nicole Giuliani, Evergreen Professor

Associate Professor, Special Education and Clinical Sciences Department
Faculty, Prevention Science Graduate Program
Practice Areas: Self-Regulation, Obesity Prevention, Health Behaviors, Family Dynamics, Emotions, Neuroimaging

Faculty bio | Giuliani Lab | 541-346-9134

Nicole Giuliani is an academic expert in health behaviors, emotion, self-regulation and family dynamics in relationship to the decisions people make about the foods they eat. She uses multiple methods, including neuroimaging, to explore for the basic brain processes and mechanisms that are tied to emotion and self-regulation. She is a member of the Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention Initiative. Prior to joining the UO faculty, Giuliani was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Psychology.

Recent Media:
If you want to support the health and wellness of kids, stop focusing on their weight (The Conversation, Oct. 11, 2021)
Conspiracy theories: Why some people are susceptible and how to protect yourself (The Washington Post, Oct. 19, 2020)
New guide helps children be emotionally prepared for school (OregonNews, Feb. 17, 2020)
Food for Thought (Oregon Quarterly, spring 2018)