Faculty bio | 541-346-3423
Patrick Kennedy is an academic expert in literacy assessment, data-based decision-making, formative assessment, and quantitative research methods. His research centers around the development, use, and instructional utility of educational assessments and interventions, with the goal of helping educational stakeholders make better decisions about the instructional and behavioral supports they provide students. Patrick is a researcher on DIBELS, a K-8 reading curriculum-based measurement system, and MOCCA, a unique diagnostic assessment of reading comprehension. He can speak about reading assessment for screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic purposes; how schools use multi-tiered systems of support; and the role of large-scale efficacy trials in gathering evidence regarding the underlying theory of academic interventions and their broader contributions for advancing theory and practice. He can also comment on the use of machine learning approaches in education.
Recent Media:
A dynamic approach to learning your A-B-C’s (Oregon Quarterly, April 12, 2023)
How robots can assist students with disabilities (The New York Times, March 29, 2022)