Wendy Hadley, College of Education

Wendy Hadley, Julie and Keith Thomson Faculty Chair

Clinic Director, HEDCO Clinic
Associate Professor, Counseling Psychology and Prevention Science
Practice Areas: Adolescent Risk Behaviors, Substance Abuse Prevention, Sexual Risk Behaviors, Adolescent Weight Management

Faculty bio | 541-346-2185

Wendy Hadley is an academic expert in adolescent risk behaviors, the prevention of substance use and sexual risk behaviors, and adolescent weight management. Hadley is currently pursuing research in intervening on adolescent risk behaviors via family and individual factors. The majority of her work has focused on the development and testing of interventions targeting parent-adolescent communication, parental monitoring, and adolescent emotion regulation skills. In the past five years, she has begun to explore the use of technology (virtual reality and web-based media) in delivering and enhancing these interventions. She completed a pilot trial examining the impact of a developed adolescent emotion regulation program targeting weight reduction in a sample of adolescents with overweight and obesity and recently obtained funding to examine this intervention among 200 adolescents with obesity over a period of 18 months. She is also interested in better understanding biological indicators of emotion regulation in adolescents and is Principal investigator of a study examining the potential of respiratory sinus arrythmia as a predictor of adolescent substance use behaviors. Future research projects will continue to examine virtual reality as a tool to enhance the development of adolescent emotion regulation skills in risk situations and dissemination of efficacious parenting interventions via web-based programming.

Recent Media:
UO experts offer mental health tips for 2022 wellness (OregonNews, Jan. 13, 2022)