Campus and Community

The Oregon University System and the Service Employees International Union 503 reached tentative agreement on contract negotiations for OUS classified staff early Thursday morning. The settlement, which covers a total of 4,300 employees on all seven OUS campuses and one branch campus, will now be taken by SEIU to its membership for a mail ratification vote. The union's notice of intent to strike on September 30 – the first day of the fall term for students – has been rescinded.
About 75 people showed up on Wednesday for an open house in the newly redesigned space on the west side of Johnson Hall's "garden level" for the Office of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion.Guests toured the offices, greeted new hires in the division and wished Vice President Yvette Alex-Assensoh and her staff well for the upcoming academic year.- from the Office of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
The UO Museum of Natural and Cultural History will be the new home to a major collection of Arctic artifacts, according to an agreement between the University of Oregon and Western Oregon University, and thanks to support from the 2013 Oregon Legislature. 
In the wake of Supreme Court victories striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act and restoring marriage equality to California, the LGBT rights movement faces the challenge of how to achieve marriage equality nationwide while also addressing the many other issues facing LGBT people, such as widespread homelessness among LGBT youth, astronomically high rates of violence and discrimination against transgender people, and the absence of legal protections for same-sex parents in most states. 
More than 3,000 students from across the globe will arrive at the University of Oregon on Thursday, Sept. 26, to begin the college experience. Here’s a great way to welcome them: Leave your car at home.