Campus and Community

The University of Oregon faces unique challenges when inclement weather hits. Because it is a residential campus, the UO can never officially close — even when record-low temperatures hit the region, as they did this weekend. University officials conferred several times over the weekend, assessing campus and community conditions before deciding to delay the start of campus Monday morning and reschedule some final exams.
Campus activities resumed on Monday, as the university prepared for final exams and events from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Snow covered the entire campus on Friday morning, and continued falling into the afternoon - prompting a rare cancellation of classes and events after 2 p.m.
The weekly AroundtheO photo gallery focuses on the people and places that make the University of Oregon special.
Starting this month, the University of Oregon will offer training to faculty and staff on how to perform hands-only CPR. Although the class does not offer a certification, participants will gain skills that can make a difference. The first training is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Forgoing the normal rescue breaths, hands-only CPR focuses on rapidly delivering high-quality chest compressions. The hourlong class will teach the basics of evaluating a victim and performing simple chest compressions.