Campus and Community

The University of Oregon today announced a tentative agreement with the faculty union, United Academics, on a first-time collective bargaining contract. The contract is effective upon ratification next month and effective through June 30, 2015. 
On Monday, the state Senate Interim Rules and Executive Appointments Committee forwarded the governor’s appointments for the inaugural University of Oregon Board of Trustees to the State Senate for confirmation. 
Unpack the Quack returns to the University of Oregon Sept. 26 – you can join more than 300 volunteers who will help Ducks nest in their new home. University Housing is seeking volunteers for the annual move-in assistance and welcome program for residence hall students and their families. On Sept. 26, volunteers will serve as UO ambassadors as they help students unload vehicles and move in.
Applications for AHA International study abroad 2014-15 period are now open, and full information on the new summer 2014 Dublin program will be announced soon. AHA International is an academic program of the University of Oregon and a study abroad organization dedicated to increasing intercultural competency and international awareness for university students throughout the United States.
The University of Oregon School of Music and Dance will host visits by a guest trumpeter and two guest saxophonists. The UO School of Music and Dance is located in the Frohnmayer Music Building on the UO campus, 961 E. 18th Ave, Eugene. For more information or for a complete calendar of events, call 541-346-5678 or visit Friday, October 4 Public Lectures