Campus and Community

Everybody has met that couple: The one who spends and the one who stresses out about the spending. SOJC advertising student Dan Drullinger tapped into that collective consciousness to win the Allstate Life Tracks Ad Competition. His team's ad “Honey Look What I Got” portrays the relationship dynamic between an over-spender and his slightly concerned fiancé. The ad was released nationally across multiple online platforms in May.
The Department of Parking and Transportation is, well, moving. That’s not surprising, perhaps, given the nature of the department. But the department is also actually moving, to a new location on the east side of campus. In an effort to better serve customers, the department is moving to 1401 Walnut St., at an EMX stop across from Dutch Bros. Coffee on Franklin Boulevard and directly accessible to bike paths.
The weekly AroundtheO photo gallery focuses on the people and places that make the University of Oregon special.
Sam Dotters-Katz — a student in the UO School of Law — on May 25 began his second term as president for the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. In 2008, during his junior year as an undergraduate political science and history major, Dotters-Katz was elected to the highest student position at the university for the first time. A friend's suggestion that they partner as running mates spurred his first run for the ASUO presidency; however, this year was a different story.
Campus has been smoke- and tobacco-free for nine months. Here’s your chance to weigh in on the new policy. The Smoke- and Tobacco-free Initiative is conducting a survey of the UO community to assess the smoke- and tobacco-free policy that took effect Sept. 1.