The Office of Sustainability will welcome the UO community to the Fall Sustainability Open House on Nov. 9 in the Erb Memorial Union.
The event will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Swindells Room, also known as Room 230.
Happening three times a year, Sustainability Open House events bring together faculty members, staff and student groups to share sustainability work happening across the institution.
This year’s Fall Sustainability Open House will focus on transportation. Speakers giving micro-presentations include David Reesor from Transportation Services; Marc Schlossberg from Planning, Public Policy and Management; Aaron Olsen from Campus Planning; and students from Live Move.
Attendees will learn about sustainable transportation at the UO and beyond. They also will have a chance to share their perspectives on a potential enhancement project on the Eugene campus.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch, and light refreshments also will be provided. Questions? Contact Katie Lucca, sustainability program coordinator, at