Campus Planning and Facilities Management has updated its running list of closures and other activities that affect travel, access and planning on campus.
Employees can stayed informed by visiting the campus closures, shutdowns and detours website or by checking the UO campus map construction impacts.
The latest notifications include:
- Franklin Boulevard survey work by the city of Eugene, through March 28.
- UO Portland Campus Center Building construction activity, through March 28.
- Villard Hall and Miller Theatre Complex electrical offline to refeed new electrical panels, March 20-28.
- Campuswide spring break door lock procedure, March 21-31.
- Friendly Hall structural investigation of the interior and exterior plus Parking Lot 11 will be closed, March 22-28.
- Lawrence Hall northwest section of the building heat offline during install of new pressure regulator, March 24-25.
- Johnson Hall second floor HVAC system testing and balancing, March 24-April 1.
- 1700 Millrace Tenant Improvement Project to affect certain areas on the first, second and third floors, March 24-Oct. 31.
- Baker Downtown Center fire line system shut down during failed backflow preventer replacement, March 25.
- Cascade Annex East steam heat offline during replacement of a radiator’s broken steam valve, March 25.
- Campus spring break grease trap cleaning in select areas may cause odors on campus, March 26-28.
- Klamath Hall, Willamette Hall, Streisinger Hall, Huestis Hall and Lewis Integrative Science Building condensate tank drains to be temporarily redirected during pipe repair work in the tunnel, March 27.
- Lewis Integrative Science Building chilled water line to be repaired that feeds Room 174B, March 27-28.