New reporting responsibilities policy to take effect Sept. 15

A new policy defining reporting responsibilities for employees who learn of a student who has experienced sex or gender-based discrimination will take effect on Sept. 15, having received the signature of President Michael H. Schill.

The new policy represents more than eight months of discussion, collaboration and input between the University Senate, the Title IX office, the Office of the General Counsel and members of the campus community.

In a memo to campus from Darci Heroy, associate vice president and title IX coordinator, three categories of reporters were outlined, including designated reporters, student-directed reporters and confidential employees.

“The new policy is designed to increase both campus safety and confidence in our institutional response by encouraging even more students to seek support, receive services and report sexual harassment,” Heroy wrote. “It accomplishes this by demonstrating our resolve to protect victims and survivors as much as possible by allowing them to choose when, if, and how to engage with the comprehensive and compassionate resources that we offer.”

The Sept. 15 date was selected to allow time to fully implement the new policy and coordinate the policy launch with several other key Title IX-related initiatives.

“I am assembling a cross-functional implementation team to begin planning for and to execute the launch of both initiatives prior to the beginning of the fall academic year,” Heroy wrote.

In the meantime, Heroy asks faculty and staff members to share support resources with any student experiencing sexual harassment by encouraging them to call 541-346-SAFE, visit or visit the UO Counseling Center.